Of late,it is seen that the incidence of heart attacks, hypertension and high cholesterol levels are increasing among the young adults.From my own experience, in the past 2 months i have come across 5 to 6 patients with hypertension and other cardiovascular problems between the ages of 24-27years.This trend of young adults falling prey to heart related problems is a matter of grave concern.
The foundation for cardiovascular problems are laid down in childhood.If it is caught early and interventions are carried out,it could go a long way in ensuring a healthy life.
1. Childhood obesity is a risk factor for development of heart problems in later life.It is important to watch over the weight of your child and to institute early measures to control obesity.
2. Fast foods have replaced the traditional meals .Fried foods,preserved and canned foods,chips,carbonated drinks etc have replaced chapattis ,dals ,vegetables and fruits.This takes a toll on their health not just now but for their entire life.
It is best to limit(moderation is the key) the intake of such foods and replace them with fresh juices,soups,sprouts,fruits and so on..
3.Today very few children would know how to play kabbadi ,kho kho,dodge the ball,dog and bone and such other games but they are masters in farm ville,poker,treasure isle,need for speed and many such games.The lack of physical activity starts in the childhood and accelerates in the adolescence and adulthood,pushing them further into the risk for heart problems.Children must be encouraged to play computer games but it is also necessary for them to explore the joys of outdoor games,for example: Encourage them to plant some tress and make a garden like they do it on farm ville..
Physical activity does wonders to preserve good health
4. In the recent times, success is equated with scores and the degrees .It is important to get good grades in exams but this should not stress out children.The overemphasis on marks have made our children into mere' memory cards'...The stress of conforming to social standards with regard to scores have taken out 'childhood 'from children.Because they are subjected to such stress in childhood they continue to grow taking stress all the time and may reach a point where feeling stress free is considered to be a sin!!!Stress is a major risk factor of cardiovascular diseases.
Do not put the child under stress all the time.Explain to them why they are studying a particular subject,let them know why they have to do a particular thing and they will shine without any undue stress and you not will not only secure their future in relation to careers but also health.
The beginning of a healthy life is from childhood..adulthood is a reflection of childhood and old age a reflection of adult life...So lets start early....Lets protect the little heart....
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